Course: Architecture Structural Design Lab
Professors: Riccardo Renzi, Elena Bellini, Mario De Stefano
University: Scuola di Architettura - Università degli Studi di Firenze
Colleagues: Hanna von Ditfurth, Ingrid Lien Halvorsen

The museum is located in Florence, Italy, next to the Chiesa San Lorenzo, Capelle
Medicee and not far from the Train Station. The popular street outside, is used by both
locals and tourists. The purpose of the museum is to create a space for learning the
history of Florence, a city with deep traditions and cultural roots. Through the different
levels of the museum building, the history of Florence is divided into themes such as
„Urban Birth Roman Castrum“, „Medieval Town“, „Renaissance Town“, „Lorena Town“,
„Florence as capital“ and „Rebuilding after war“.

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